
2014. 12. 14. 17:29


2014. 12. 14. 17:23

돌에 그림을 그리는 여자가 있다. 

그 돌이 어디에서 왔는지 언제부터 그곳에 있었는지 

상상하면서 말이다.깎여져 내려간 모서리와 모양, 

무게, 작은 흠집을 가만히 만져보며 그속에 가만히 

기억된 시간들을 느낀다.

어느날, 사각 벽돌이 여자의 집에 찾아온다. 

자신이 있던 곳에 다시 데려다 달라며. 여자는 사각벽돌이 안내하는대로 따라 떠난다. 이리저리 벽돌이 들어갈 곳을 끼어보지만 그곳은 재건축이 이미 진행된 새 아파트이다. 벽돌의 모서리는 점점 떨어져나간다.

벽돌이 들어갈 벽은 이제 없지만, 결국 자신이 있던 곳을 선택한다. 그리고 다른 벽돌처럼 점점 둥글게 깎여져 나간다. 점점 작은 돌멩이가 되어간다.

여자는 집에 돌아와 가만히 돌과 다녔던 길을 기억하며 지도를 그린다. 그 길위엔 돌에게서 떨어진 돌조각들이 아주 흔하게 존재하고 있을 것이다.

There is a woman who paints on the stone. 

Where the stone came from and when it was there. 

Imagine.The edges and shapes that have been cut down. 

Feel the weight, small blemish, and stay inside. 

I feel the time that was remembered.

One day, a square brick comes to the woman's house. 

Asking him to take you back where he was. The woman follows the blindfold as it guides her.There is a woman who paints on the stone. Where the stone came from and when it was there. Imagine.The edges and shapes that have been cut down. Feel the weight, small blemish, and stay inside. I feel the time that was remembered.

One day, a square brick comes to the woman's house. Asking him to take you back where he was. The woman follows the blindfold as it guides her. They cut in places where bricks could be placed, but it is a new apartment that has already been rebuilt. The edge of the brick is falling off. There are no more walls for the bricks, but eventually you choose where you were. And it is gradually being cut in circles like other bricks. It's getting smaller and smaller.

She returns home and draws a map remembering the path she was stoning around. There must be very common pieces of stone on the path. 


2014. 12. 14. 17:22